Pengaruh Pemasaran Digital dan Online Customer Review Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Pada Produk Skincare di E-Commerce Shopee (Literature Review Manajemen Pemasaran)
Pemasaran Digital, Ulasan Pelanggan Online, Keputusan PembelianAbstract
Relevant and previous research is one of the important factors in a scientific article
research. Relevant and previous research is useful to strengthen and reinforce the theory used
in research and help determine the relationship or influence that occurs between variables.
This article reviews the factors that influence purchasing decisions, namely: digital marketing
and online customer reviews. The purpose of writing this article is to build hypotheses of
influence between variables that will be used for future research. The results of this literature
review article are: (1) Digital marketing affects purchasing decisions; (2) Online customer
reviews affect purchasing decisions, and (3) Digital marketing and online customer reviews
simultaneously affect purchasing decisions.
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