
  • Hamdan Hamdan Universitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Indra Raharja Universitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta, Indonesia



product knowledge, repurchase intention, risiko psikologi, risiko fisik.


Penelitian ini tentang peran product knowledge terhadap persepsi risiko psikologi, persepsi risiko fisik dan pengaruhnya terhadap repurchase intention. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian eksploratif, deskriptif dan kuantitatif. Penentuan sampel penelitian menggunakan Mahasiswa/i Universitas Mercubuana yang pernah mengkonsumsi minuman kekinian dengan teknik purposive sampling yang akan disebar kepada minimal 180 Mahasiswa/i. Temuan ini membuktikan product knowledge memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap persepsi risiko psikologi, product knowledge memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap persepsi risiko fisik, product knowledge berpengaruh positif terhadap repurchase intention, persepsi risiko psikologi berpengaruh negatif terhadap repurchase intention dan persepsi risiko fisik berpengaruh negatif terhadap repurchase intention.


Aertsens, J., Mondelaers, K., Verbeke, W., & Buysse, J. (2011). The influence of subjective and objective knowledge on attitude , motivations and consumption of organic food.
Agrawal, G. K., Timperio, A. M., Zolla, L., Bansal, V., Shukla, R., & Rakwal, R. (2013). Biomarker discovery and applications for foods and beverages: Proteomics to nanoproteomics. Journal of Proteomics, 93, 74–92.
Ali, H. (2019). Building Repurchase Intention and Purchase Decision: Brand Awareness and Brand Loyalty Analysis (Case Study Private Label Product in Alfamidi Tangerang). Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 04(09), 623–634.
Ali, H., Limakrisna, N., & Jamaluddin, S. (2016). Model of customer satisfaction: The empirical study at Bri in Jambi. International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, 14(6), 3527–3534.
Angulo, A. M., & Gil, J. M. (2007). Risk perception and consumer willingness to pay for certified beef in Spain. Food Quality and Preference, 18(8), 1106–1117.
Barber, N. A., Taylor, D. C., Barber, N. A., & Taylor, D. C. (2013). Experimental approach to assessing actual wine purchase behavior.
Barber, N., Dodd, T., & Ghiselli, R. (2008). Capturing the younger wine consumer. Journal of Wine Research, 19(2), 123–141.
Barber, N., Taylor, C., & Strick, S. (2009). Wine consumers’ environmental knowledge and attitudes: Influence on willingness to purchase. International Journal of Wine Research, 1(1), 59–72.
Beneke, J., Flynn, R., Greig, T., Mukaiwa, M., Beneke, J., Flynn, R., Greig, T., & Mukaiwa, M. (2013). private label merchandise The influence of perceived product quality , relative price and risk on customer value and willingness to buy?: a study of private label merchandise.
Beneke, J., Greene, A., Lok, I., & Mallett, K. (2012). The influence of perceived risk on purchase intent – the case of premium grocery private label brands in South Africa. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 21(1), 4–14.
Bhukya, R., & Singh, S. (2015). The effect of perceived risk dimensions on purchase intention: An empirical evidence from Indian private labels market. American Journal of Business, 30(4), 218–230.
Bruwer, J., Fong, M., Saliba, A., Bruwer, J., & Fong, M. (2013). Perceived risk , risk-reduction strategies ( RRS ) and consumption occasions Roles in the wine consumer ’ s purchase decision.
Danelon, M. S., & Salay, E. (2012). Perceived physical risk and risk-reducing strategies in the consumption of raw vegetable salads in restaurants. Food Control, 28(2), 412–419.
Dodd, T. H., Laverie, D. A., Wilcox, J. F., & Duhan, D. F. (2005). Differential Effects of Experience, Subjective Knowledge, and Objective Knowledge on Sources of Information used in Consumer Wine Purchasing. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 29(1), 3–19.
Dodi, P. (2017). Toward the Best Model of Strategy Implementation in Indonesian Islamic Banking from the Lens of Strategic Clarity. European Research Studies Journal, XX(4B), 3–15.
Eccles, R., Du-Plessis, L., Dommels, Y., & Wilkinson, J. E. (2013). Cold pleasure. Why we like ice drinks, ice-lollies and ice cream. Appetite, 71, 357–360.
Firmansyah, N., & Ali, H. (2019). Consumer Trust Model?: The Impact of Satisfaction and E-Service Quality toward Repurchase Intention in E-Commerce. 6256, 552–559.
Forbes, S., Cohen, D., & Dean, D. (2008). International Conference of the Academy of Wine Business Research, Siena, 17-19 July, 2008. 4–5.
Ganther, J. M., & Kreling, D. H. (2000). Consumer Perceptions of Risk and Required Cost Savings for Generic Prescription Drugs. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, 40(3), 378–383.
Goudeau, H. L. C. (2014). Consumers ’ beliefs , attitudes , and loyalty in purchasing organic foods The standard learning hierarchy approach.
Hasan, G. (2017). Pengaruh faktor resiko terhadap purchase intention private label brand terhadap masyarakat Batam. Journal of Accounting & Management Innovation, 1(1).
Islam, M. S., Islam, M. S., & Hasan, M. M. (2009). Development Model of Marketing Capabilities and Export Performance of SMEs: A Proposed Study. European Journal of Business and Management, 10(22), 107–114.
Joseph-mathews, S., Bonn, M. A., & Snepenger, D. (2009). Atmospherics and consumers’ symbolic interpretations of hedonic services. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 3(3), 193–210.
Kelley, K., Hyde, J., Bruwer, J., Kelley, K., & Hyde, J. (2015). U . S . wine consumer preferences for bottle characteristics , back label extrinsic cues and wine composition.
Khoiriyah, S., & Suam Toro, M. J. (2014). Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kesediaan Membeli Produk Hijau. Jurnal Bisnis & Manajemen, 1(1), 63–76.
Kinerja, T., Pada, K., Trans, P. T., & Indonesia, R. (2016). Jurnal Mirai Management,. 1(2), 211–227.
Lacey, S., Bruwer, J., Li, E., Lacey, S., Bruwer, J., & Li, E. (2009). The role of perceived risk in wine purchase decisions in restaurants.
Larasetiati, M., & Ali, H. (2019). Model of Consumer Trust: Analysis of Perceived Usefulness and toward Repurchase Intention in Online Travel Agent. Journal of Economics and Finance, 3(8), 350–357.
Lecat, B., Le Fur, E., & Outreville, J. F. (2016). Perceived risk and the willingness to buy and pay for “corked” bottles of wine. International Journal of Wine Business Research, 28(4), 286–307.
Liana, M., Radam, A., & Yacob, M. R. (2010). Consumer Perception Towards Meat Safety?: Confirmatory Factor Analysis. 4(2), 305–318.
Limakrisna, N., & Ali, H. (2016). Model of Customer Satisfaction: Empirical Study At Fast Food Restaurants in Bandung. International Journal of Business and Commerce, 5(06), 132–146.
Lin, H. H., Wang, Y. S., & Chang, L. K. (2011). Consumer responses to online retailer’s service recovery after a service failure: A perspective of justice theory. Managing Service Quality, 21(5), 511–534.
Min, J. E., Green, D. B., & Kim, L. (2016). Calories and sugars in boba milk tea?: implications for obesity risk in Asian Pacific Islanders. Townsend 2014, 1–8.
Packard, G., & Wooten, D. B. (2013). ScienceDirect Compensatory knowledge signaling in consumer word-of-mouth ?. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 23(4), 434–450.
Park, C. (2004). Efficient or enjoyable? Consumer values of eating-out and fast food restaurant consumption in Korea. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 23(1), 87–94.
Part, R. C. (2010). ?? (Article) ? ??? (Information) [. Unit 07, 1–5.
Pramatatya, V., Najib, M., & Nurrochmat, D. R. (2004). Pengaruh Atmosfer Kedai Kopi Terhadap Emosi Dan Keputusan Pembelian Ulang. Jurnal Manajemen Dan Agribisnis, 12(2), 126–136.
Qing, P., Lobo, A., & Chongguang, L. (2012). The impact of lifestyle and ethnocentrism on consumers’ purchase intentions of fresh fruit in China. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 29(1), 43–51.
Ramdini D.H, H. H. . (2020). The Influence of Knowledge management. Dinasti International Journal of Management Science, 1(2), 191–203.
Robson, K., Plangger, K., & Campbell, C. (n.d.). Objective and Subjective Wine Knowledge?: Evidence from an Online Study. 2008.
Roseman, M. G., Joung, H., Choi, E. C., & Kim, H. (2017). The effects of restaurant nutrition menu labelling on college students ’ healthy eating behaviours. 2000(11), 1–8.
Shim, M., & You, M. (2015). Cognitive and affective risk perceptions toward food safety outbreaks: mediating the relation between news use and food consumption intention. Asian Journal of Communication, 25(1), 48–64.
Tasurru, H. H., & Salehudin, I. (2014). Global Brands and Consumer Ethnocentrism of Youth Soft Drink Consumers in Greater Jakarta, Indonesia. ASEAN Marketing Journal, 6(2), 77–88.
Topalo?lu, C. (2012). Consumer Motivation and Concern Factors for Online Shopping in Turkey. Asian Academy of Management Journal, 17(2), 1–19.
Toto Handiman, U., & Ali, H. (2019). The Influence of Brand Knowledge and Brand Relationship On Purchase Decision Through Brand Attachment. International Journal of Business Marketing and Management (IJBMM), 4(1), 49–56.
Vigar-Ellis, D., Pitt, L., & Caruana, A. (2015). Knowledge effects on the exploratory acquisition of wine. International Journal of Wine Business Research, 27(2), 84–102.
Wang, E. S. T. (2015). Effect of food service-brand equity on consumer-perceived food value, physical risk, and brand preference. British Food Journal, 117(2), 553–564.
Wang, E. S. T., & Yu, J. R. (2016). Effect of product attribute beliefs of ready-to-drink coffee beverages on consumer-perceived value and repurchase intention. British Food Journal, 118(12), 2963–2980.
Wulandari, R. (2012). Dimensi-Dimensi Persepsi Risiko Keseluruhan Konsumen. Jurnal Riset Manajemen Dan Bisnis, 7(2), 115–124.
Yeung, R., Yee, W., & Morris, J. (2010). The effects of risk-reducing strategies on consumer perceived risk and on purchase likelihood: A modelling approach. British Food Journal, 112(3), 306–322.
Yoo, J.-J., & Kim, H.-Y. (2012). Perceived Risk of Sunless Tanning Product Use and Its Relationship to Body Satisfaction. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 4(4), 13–21.
Aertsens, J., Mondelaers, K., Verbeke, W., & Buysse, J. (2011). The influence of subjective and objective knowledge on attitude , motivations and consumption of organic food.
Agrawal, G. K., Timperio, A. M., Zolla, L., Bansal, V., Shukla, R., & Rakwal, R. (2013). Biomarker discovery and applications for foods and beverages: Proteomics to nanoproteomics. Journal of Proteomics, 93, 74–92.
Ali, H. (2019). Building Repurchase Intention and Purchase Decision: Brand Awareness and Brand Loyalty Analysis (Case Study Private Label Product in Alfamidi Tangerang). Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 04(09), 623–634.
Ali, H., Limakrisna, N., & Jamaluddin, S. (2016). Model of customer satisfaction: The empirical study at Bri in Jambi. International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, 14(6), 3527–3534.
Angulo, A. M., & Gil, J. M. (2007). Risk perception and consumer willingness to pay for certified beef in Spain. Food Quality and Preference, 18(8), 1106–1117.
Barber, N. A., Taylor, D. C., Barber, N. A., & Taylor, D. C. (2013). Experimental approach to assessing actual wine purchase behavior.
Barber, N., Dodd, T., & Ghiselli, R. (2008). Capturing the younger wine consumer. Journal of Wine Research, 19(2), 123–141.
Barber, N., Taylor, C., & Strick, S. (2009). Wine consumers’ environmental knowledge and attitudes: Influence on willingness to purchase. International Journal of Wine Research, 1(1), 59–72.
Beneke, J., Flynn, R., Greig, T., Mukaiwa, M., Beneke, J., Flynn, R., Greig, T., & Mukaiwa, M. (2013). private label merchandise The influence of perceived product quality , relative price and risk on customer value and willingness to buy?: a study of private label merchandise.
Beneke, J., Greene, A., Lok, I., & Mallett, K. (2012). The influence of perceived risk on purchase intent – the case of premium grocery private label brands in South Africa. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 21(1), 4–14.
Bhukya, R., & Singh, S. (2015). The effect of perceived risk dimensions on purchase intention: An empirical evidence from Indian private labels market. American Journal of Business, 30(4), 218–230.
Bruwer, J., Fong, M., Saliba, A., Bruwer, J., & Fong, M. (2013). Perceived risk , risk-reduction strategies ( RRS ) and consumption occasions Roles in the wine consumer ’ s purchase decision.
Danelon, M. S., & Salay, E. (2012). Perceived physical risk and risk-reducing strategies in the consumption of raw vegetable salads in restaurants. Food Control, 28(2), 412–419.
Dodd, T. H., Laverie, D. A., Wilcox, J. F., & Duhan, D. F. (2005). Differential Effects of Experience, Subjective Knowledge, and Objective Knowledge on Sources of Information used in Consumer Wine Purchasing. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 29(1), 3–19.
Dodi, P. (2017). Toward the Best Model of Strategy Implementation in Indonesian Islamic Banking from the Lens of Strategic Clarity. European Research Studies Journal, XX(4B), 3–15.
Eccles, R., Du-Plessis, L., Dommels, Y., & Wilkinson, J. E. (2013). Cold pleasure. Why we like ice drinks, ice-lollies and ice cream. Appetite, 71, 357–360.
Firmansyah, N., & Ali, H. (2019). Consumer Trust Model?: The Impact of Satisfaction and E-Service Quality toward Repurchase Intention in E-Commerce. 6256, 552–559.
Forbes, S., Cohen, D., & Dean, D. (2008). International Conference of the Academy of Wine Business Research, Siena, 17-19 July, 2008. 4–5.
Ganther, J. M., & Kreling, D. H. (2000). Consumer Perceptions of Risk and Required Cost Savings for Generic Prescription Drugs. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, 40(3), 378–383.
Goudeau, H. L. C. (2014). Consumers ’ beliefs , attitudes , and loyalty in purchasing organic foods The standard learning hierarchy approach.
Hasan, G. (2017). Pengaruh faktor resiko terhadap purchase intention private label brand terhadap masyarakat Batam. Journal of Accounting & Management Innovation, 1(1).
Islam, M. S., Islam, M. S., & Hasan, M. M. (2009). Development Model of Marketing Capabilities and Export Performance of SMEs: A Proposed Study. European Journal of Business and Management, 10(22), 107–114.
Joseph-mathews, S., Bonn, M. A., & Snepenger, D. (2009). Atmospherics and consumers’ symbolic interpretations of hedonic services. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 3(3), 193–210.
Kelley, K., Hyde, J., Bruwer, J., Kelley, K., & Hyde, J. (2015). U . S . wine consumer preferences for bottle characteristics , back label extrinsic cues and wine composition.
Khoiriyah, S., & Suam Toro, M. J. (2014). Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kesediaan Membeli Produk Hijau. Jurnal Bisnis & Manajemen, 1(1), 63–76.
Kinerja, T., Pada, K., Trans, P. T., & Indonesia, R. (2016). Jurnal Mirai Management,. 1(2), 211–227.
Lacey, S., Bruwer, J., Li, E., Lacey, S., Bruwer, J., & Li, E. (2009). The role of perceived risk in wine purchase decisions in restaurants.
Larasetiati, M., & Ali, H. (2019). Model of Consumer Trust: Analysis of Perceived Usefulness and toward Repurchase Intention in Online Travel Agent. Journal of Economics and Finance, 3(8), 350–357.
Lecat, B., Le Fur, E., & Outreville, J. F. (2016). Perceived risk and the willingness to buy and pay for “corked” bottles of wine. International Journal of Wine Business Research, 28(4), 286–307.
Liana, M., Radam, A., & Yacob, M. R. (2010). Consumer Perception Towards Meat Safety?: Confirmatory Factor Analysis. 4(2), 305–318.
Limakrisna, N., & Ali, H. (2016). Model of Customer Satisfaction: Empirical Study At Fast Food Restaurants in Bandung. International Journal of Business and Commerce, 5(06), 132–146.
Lin, H. H., Wang, Y. S., & Chang, L. K. (2011). Consumer responses to online retailer’s service recovery after a service failure: A perspective of justice theory. Managing Service Quality, 21(5), 511–534.
Min, J. E., Green, D. B., & Kim, L. (2016). Calories and sugars in boba milk tea?: implications for obesity risk in Asian Pacific Islanders. Townsend 2014, 1–8.
Packard, G., & Wooten, D. B. (2013). ScienceDirect Compensatory knowledge signaling in consumer word-of-mouth ?. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 23(4), 434–450.
Park, C. (2004). Efficient or enjoyable? Consumer values of eating-out and fast food restaurant consumption in Korea. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 23(1), 87–94.
Part, R. C. (2010). ?? (Article) ? ??? (Information) [. Unit 07, 1–5.
Pramatatya, V., Najib, M., & Nurrochmat, D. R. (2004). Pengaruh Atmosfer Kedai Kopi Terhadap Emosi Dan Keputusan Pembelian Ulang. Jurnal Manajemen Dan Agribisnis, 12(2), 126–136.
Qing, P., Lobo, A., & Chongguang, L. (2012). The impact of lifestyle and ethnocentrism on consumers’ purchase intentions of fresh fruit in China. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 29(1), 43–51.
Ramdini D.H, H. H. . (2020). The Influence of Knowledge management. Dinasti International Journal of Management Science, 1(2), 191–203.
Robson, K., Plangger, K., & Campbell, C. (n.d.). Objective and Subjective Wine Knowledge?: Evidence from an Online Study. 2008.
Roseman, M. G., Joung, H., Choi, E. C., & Kim, H. (2017). The effects of restaurant nutrition menu labelling on college students ’ healthy eating behaviours. 2000(11), 1–8.
Shim, M., & You, M. (2015). Cognitive and affective risk perceptions toward food safety outbreaks: mediating the relation between news use and food consumption intention. Asian Journal of Communication, 25(1), 48–64.
Tasurru, H. H., & Salehudin, I. (2014). Global Brands and Consumer Ethnocentrism of Youth Soft Drink Consumers in Greater Jakarta, Indonesia. ASEAN Marketing Journal, 6(2), 77–88.
Topalo?lu, C. (2012). Consumer Motivation and Concern Factors for Online Shopping in Turkey. Asian Academy of Management Journal, 17(2), 1–19.
Toto Handiman, U., & Ali, H. (2019). The Influence of Brand Knowledge and Brand Relationship On Purchase Decision Through Brand Attachment. International Journal of Business Marketing and Management (IJBMM), 4(1), 49–56.
Vigar-Ellis, D., Pitt, L., & Caruana, A. (2015). Knowledge effects on the exploratory acquisition of wine. International Journal of Wine Business Research, 27(2), 84–102.
Wang, E. S. T. (2015). Effect of food service-brand equity on consumer-perceived food value, physical risk, and brand preference. British Food Journal, 117(2), 553–564.
Wang, E. S. T., & Yu, J. R. (2016). Effect of product attribute beliefs of ready-to-drink coffee beverages on consumer-perceived value and repurchase intention. British Food Journal, 118(12), 2963–2980.
Wulandari, R. (2012). Dimensi-Dimensi Persepsi Risiko Keseluruhan Konsumen. Jurnal Riset Manajemen Dan Bisnis, 7(2), 115–124.
Yeung, R., Yee, W., & Morris, J. (2010). The effects of risk-reducing strategies on consumer perceived risk and on purchase likelihood: A modelling approach. British Food Journal, 112(3), 306–322.
Yoo, J.-J., & Kim, H.-Y. (2012). Perceived Risk of Sunless Tanning Product Use and Its Relationship to Body Satisfaction. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 4(4), 13–21.




How to Cite

Hamdan, H., & Raharja, I. (2020). PERAN PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE TERHADAP PERSEPSI RISIKO MINUMAN KEKINIAN. Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen Terapan, 2(1), 128–141.